Thursday, October 7, 2010

LSSaver 1.2 Release!

After MS announced the shutdown plan of LiveSpace, LSSaver starts getting more and more users. Thanks to their feedback, some bugs have been detected, so this new version 1.2 is the bug fix release.

One of the major fixes is that now LSSaver is able to retrieve all posts in one month but are separated into more than one page.

Another major fix is that when there are special scripts in the blog posts, they may trigger the IE script error dialog. While LSSaver can still working, it is annoying, so they are suppressed in this release.

Hope this new version of LSSaver helps you better!

Download link:


  1. Great software and it means a lot to lots of people. Thanks!

  2. Thank you for your support and valuable feedback that helped a lot to improve LSSaver.
